Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Deer Lake

Here are a few more pictures of Deer Lake. We are apparently being shown more of Deer Lake on Saturday. All we have learned so far is that Deer Lake is broken up into two parts "Duck Lake" (we live in the outskirts of here) and "downtown" this is where the Northern is.

This is the view of the school from the back field.
View of the students school yard. Imagine having a lake in your school yard. The school yard also has a playground, a ball diamond and a soccer field.
Greg and I by the lake in the school yard.
I thought we were in Deer Lake!!!!! The first time we saw this sign, we thought it was so funny. Someone took a lot of time and effort to make those letters and climb up and put them there.

The Northern, and the post office and KFC. When we walked in we couldn't believe we smelled grease, we quickly found out that there is a little KFC in this store. The store is full of food, clothes, appliances, etc. It has everything. We were also excited to find out that a loaf of bread is only $3.19 not $6.00 (Greg is really excited about this).

MOM, this picture is for you!!!!! This is the emergency room. Although the sign on the door says use other door. I never did see the enterance because all the doors have signs saying use the other door. This building is actually quite large and it is on the edge of a lake.

A view of the vehicle we share with the other fly in teachers/principal. It is such a beat up thing. You do not need to wear seatbelts and there are no license plates. This vehicle has also lost its power stearing. Needless to say, Greg got a good workout.

This is Amanda McCall. She is the other fly in teacher, from Orillia. Here Amanda is showing everyone the back window of the vehicle we drive around.

The back of the vehicle. This is quite a ride. The roads are quite bumpy and has lots of pot holes so it is a fun ride.
The front view of the beater vehicle!!

Pray for us tommorrow as students start back to school. We are excited and of course I am nervous (Greg says he's not). We have met some of the students and talked to the T.A.'s about what to expect and I think we are definitely in for some challenges.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Your place looks great, the area is beautiful, the classrooms look neat and tidy and it seems like you guys have a good sense of adventure about all this. And that car is wicked! So excited for you both and hope the positives keep poring in!

