Monday, April 25, 2011

Bags and Eggs

Yesterday was the annual Deer Lake Easter Hunt. The day before, as previsouly written by Claire, we helped bag candies and chocolate. In all 1600 bags were spread out in 8 sections with even more chocolate eggs and bags of chips evenly spread out. The sections were as follows:

K4/K5 (Junior and Senior Kindergartern)
Gr. 1,2,3
Gr. 4,5,6
Gr. 7,8,9

The hunt was to begin at 2:00, but we all knew what that meant. People started showing up a little after 1, with the event not starting till after 2. The volunteers were spread throughout the sections with slingshots, defending the helpless candy from dogs. The weather was really nice outside, with Claire wearing only a windbreaker. It was a great afternoon and glad we could be a part of it (some more than others).

On Friday, two medical students arrived in Deer Lake and will be here for 1 month. They are connected with the Northern Ontario School of Medicine, and will do three placements in Northern Reserves to experience the Aboriginal traditions and learn under the nurses and doctors who are there. They are both around our age. Jordan is from a fly-in reserve in Northern Alberta and Sarah from Sudbury. I started talking to them, because of my interest in medicine and, well, whenever new people come in, it is just about the most exciting thing that week.

Jordan was the talker and had mentioned that they get to pick, or try to, their three reserves and the person they do it with. I picked up on this, and tried to dig deeper to find out if they were a couple. I learn from the best.

After the hunt, we came back and had a turkey dinner thanks to Amanda and Claire. It was Amanda's first turkey and suffice to say, "job well done." Blaine was over to eat as well, so we got to share some stories and hear about other things in Deer Lake. He has been here for three years, so he has seen a lot, both good and bad. With our vehicle still sidelined, Blaine offered to drive whenever we needed to go to the store. We found out that the wheel bearings need to be replaced and it will be at least two weeks for them to come in, and another two before it will be fixed. We are counting on it being sidelined for the rest of the year.

Today is our last day off of the long weekend. It will be nice to have a short week. The lake is thawing and little water spots are appearing. The community shuts down for two straight weekends when the lake opens. The first weekend in May is usually the first one, but it might be pushed back another. Regardless, there is only 8 weeks of school left, and 6 before we leave for our trip. Unbelievable!

Claire and Amanda, pre-hunting.

The groups will follow the volunteer holding the sign. They were each brought to their respective section. Steve is the janitor/maintenance man at work, and seems to be connected to every part of the community. If there is a committee, he is on it and most likely leading it. Of course, he was the one starting each section's hunt.

The community lining up to start.

Claire brought along little bear for more adventures. These are six of Amanda's Gr. 7 girls. Four of them have an older brother or sister in grade 8 or 9, weird.

Blaine holding Dexter.

The preschoolers during their hunt.

Three of our grade nine girls. (L to R: Chantelle, Miranda, Karian)

The Grade 4,5,6 during their hunt. The boy in the tree is Tanner, a great kid. There was a bag of chips really high, so he climbed between two trees to the highest he could before they would bend. The chips were still several feet higher. He then jumped up onto the tree with the bag, and while it was bending back toward to the ground he grabbed the chips. An amazing display of athleticism and the closest thing to James Bond I have ever seen. The best was his reaction later. I told him that that was remarkable. He shrugged as if to say, "I've done it before." Class.

At each section, the participants would gather in two lines. The girls in the front with the boys behind. Steve would sound the horn for the girls to start, with the boys waiting 5 seconds behind. I couldn't imagine being a girl and trying to get candy from the ground when the horn sounds and a herd of boys comes crashing in.

Those same three girls trying to gingerly get candy from the side.

The Grade 7,8,9 section. You can see those girls on the side.

While this was happening, a little girl, no more than 3 was running down the road to a vacant space, where an old church and cemetry stands. Steve, on his megaphone calls out, "someone's baby running to church."

The Adult section. Claire and Amanda got involved and participated. Blaine used Dexter as his excuse, while I used the camera as mine.

The girls off to a strong start. Steve on the right witht he megaphone. The section didn't start for about 10 metres and was amongst trees, bushes, and shrubs. There was only 2 or 3 natural entrances in, which all had snow on the ground. Amanda's shoe got stuck when she ran through one. She had to make a choice. Go forth and find as many bags as possible or waste the 5 second head start and risk being trampled by the men. She mad the wise choice and went on with the hunt. Steve, later picked up the shoe and tried selling it for $5 to us on-lookers.

The men going off. The natural sound they created at the initial start was unbelievable, as the ground shook.

The women returning with the fruits of their labour.

Onto the pre-natal section. Surprisingly there were seven pre-natals. Kind of ironic that they would be running around trying to grab chocolate, chips, and sugar filled candy. That wasn't the biggest ironic part of the day though. The candy/chocolate is donated by several committees and places. One that donates things, and a large portion too, is the Health Services. This is the same group that is designed to promote good health and organize things like walkathons and weight loss challenges. I think next week is Diabetes Awareness Week.

A group of grade 7 and 8 boys eating their find. Wouldn't imagine their bags staying full too long. I know mine never did.

Some of the girls outside a friend's house.

To end the event, they started throwing some bags and eggs into the crowd. Amanda stood almost no chance at getting any, so Blaine tried grabbing some loot for her.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Wing in a Sling

Today, we were in town to help get ready for the annual Deer Lake Easter Egg Hunt (there will be more to follow on that, in another post). Almost as soon as we got to the house we were helping at one of the ladies asked us if we had ever seen a Bald Eagle. The only time Greg and I have ever seen a Bald Eagle was when we were in Nova Scotia, Greg's cousin Harrison pointed one's nest out to us and we could see it in the distance.

We quickly learned that this lady and her husband had been out by the dump and found an injured Bald Eagle. This Eagle had been shot in the wing and was just left for dead. Since they are on the endangered species list, they took the eagle home to help it, which was two days ago.

When I walked into their home I was expecting to see this bird in a cage, however I found him sitting on a perch in their living room. He was so still he looked almost fake, like he had been stuffed. It was amazing to see him just sit there and watch what was going on around him. The lady was even petting him. Enjoy the pictures below of one of God's most beautiful creatures!
Look at how huge these talons are. I couldn't believe it.
Eating a piece of fish
Feeding the bird. They have wrapped up his injury as you can see. They were sending him out on the afternoon flight to get him more help.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Beginning of a Long Weekend

Today was our last day before Easter weekend! Greg and I are truly looking forward to resting this weekend, and cleaning our house. With the snow gone, the dirt and dust is back and we are tracking a lot into the house.

School today was a very easy going day. It was a fun day, that didn't include much school work. We just got to hang out with our class. We had a nice Easter lunch today with turkey and ham and all the fixings. The students were then given Easter treat bags. The community was also invited to eat and we had quite the turn out. Before we ate, one of the Christian teachers was asked to share some words about Easter and pray before we ate. It is so nice and refreshing to have this happen in our school. Our community seems fairly open to the Christian faith.

On another note, Julia (the principal) and about 9 teachers/T.A's have left for the week on a trip to Arizona to see how the Navajo people have preserved their culture. This is quite an amazing and once in a life time trip for many of the teachers. While Julia is away, Greg was asked to be acting principal. This is an awesome opportunity for him. He is only in charge of grades 6-9 and another teacher is in charge of the younger kids. This works well especially since Greg doesn't know the younger kids and the other teacher doesn't know the older kids. It will definitely be an interesting week for Greg as he juggles a classroom and the duties of a principal. I am so proud of him though and know he will do an amazing job.

After work today we were both exhausted from the weeks work. I fell asleep almost immediately and slept for about 2 hours. It felt so nice. We then went for a nice walk before dinner. Enjoy some of our pictures from this afternoon's walk.

A lot of dogs around are having puppies right now. We stopped by to see some and play with them for a while. Although Greg and I are both dog lovers, Amanda is a HUGE dog lover. We stopped to talk, pet and play with almost all the dogs. With Dexter around A LOT of dogs come out to smell him and play with him, so we have gotten to know a lot of dogs and their names.
Last week I got a letter from my cousin Olivia. She sent me this little brown bear and asked me to take him on adventures around Deer Lake, then mail them back to her at the school. Today Greg and I took him to the lake. Although the lake is frozen it is a beautiful place in Deer Lake.

Greg on the ice. There is a top slush layer and I am sure we will be seeing water very shortly!

Amanda and Dexter!

Me stopping to play with one of the dogs. I really like this one he was so cute and nice.

We go for a walk almost every day, and boys are always outside playing hockey at his house. Almost every day they ask Greg to play with them. Today he stopped and took a few shots on net.

Amanda and one of the puppies at another house.

While the winter road was open a lot of new trailer homes came in. They are now starting to clear the land so that the homes have a place to go.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Deer Lake's Worst Driver

On Friday, it was my turn for a fun afternoon. The grade 8s had their cultural program. We went to what is referred to as the sand pit. The kids pretty much played around the hills. We went back to the school and ate Indian Tacos again. My kids absolutely love them as they always arrange to eat them on our turn.. They were really, really good again. I actually prefer them to the traditional ones and I know Claire does too. Not much else has been new. The grade 9s came in on the weekend to make up some hours because of the Toronto trip and the different closures of the school. Most schools won't do this but Julia likes to make sure everything is alright when the ministry comes in. On Saturday Claire had 12 students from 1-5, while I had mine on Sunday. The students were pretty exhausted. For one girl who had to come in last weekend as well, it has been quite the stretch. This Thursday will be her 19 straight day of coming to school. She is also the 18 year-old committed to getting her credits this year. Remarkable. Anyways, time for a story. We had to drop off two girls in town on Saturday after Claire's lesson. All went well until the ride back to the school. Let me start off by restating how 'rezzed' out the vehicle is. Last weekend, the front left tire started making noises when we were driving. This happened to everyone else, but figured it was a small problem. Sort of like a scratch to a gunshot wound. So back to the drive to the school. We were on our way up the hill when I hit one of the thirty million potholes. All of a sudden the vehicle was getting pulled to the side again. My first reaction was, "Really?" "Really?" We squeaked to the top and pulled over. I figured we must have had a flat. I got out and looked at the wheel. Luckily it wasn't a flat. Unfortunately the entire wheel, rim, and pretty much everything connected to the wheel was about to come off. The wheel should have been straight, but was on a 45 degree angle. My luck. So similar to last the last time the second vehicle stopped and had two guys in their late 20s. Where else would a car like this stop to help? The driver gave me his cell phone and I phoned RJ at the school. He wondered if the car could be limped back to the school. At this point the two guys had gotten out and taken a closer look at the vehicle. The one started to rock it for fun or to make it worse, I wasn't quite sure. The shaking almost took the wheel off, so I figured, "No, it won't make it" was a safe bet. The guys gave us a ride back to the school, while RJ was going to get a bus driver to try and tow it back. On the way back to the school, at the intersection, was Steve standing by the road. He is one of the school janitors/maintenance men and father to a grade 8 student. He was there with his van and a large, large pot selling moose stew. Our driver stopped to buy some, so we got out and walked the rest of the way (5 minutes or so). I've heard of fruit stands, lemonade stands on the side of the road. But moose stew? This week is short as there is only four days and Thursday is apparently a different day. Good news as Claire is exhausted and still trying to get over a cold she has had for several weeks now. This Thursday, the school is putting on a Easter dinner for the students and parents. We are looking forward to seeing what it is like. Last bit of news, regarding our trip. West Jet will not be able to fly us to Toronto so Julia looked into a bus. She found out that it will save almost $30,000 from the overall total. This money will be spent on other areas. Julia advised Claire and I to look into the Delta Chelsea and try and book family suites and honeymoon suites as rooms. As well, our per diem has gone up from $40 to $80. Needless to say, no one is going to go hungry. Some of the boys on one of the hills.
Some of the girls.

About half the class on the top of the hill. At the end, all the students were playing king of the hill, boys against girls. Even through there are more boys and they are bigger, the girls actually held their own. One of the smaller girls pulled this karate move and flung a much larger boy by the shoulders.

Deer Lake's wreck yard.

A group of students were on this small piece of water, trying to throw big rocks on the ice to break it. The water was only a foot or so, but still, not the smartest move.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Dirty North

As many of you know, today was my birthday. It was a pretty good day. We actually had a scheduled class this afternoon from 1-5. Every year the students who need extra practice or to make up some time from too many absences. Claire and I both get paid for the whole day, which makes it a little easier to take. On Friday night, the staff had a potluck. They ordered these massive steaks for everyone that looked amazing and smelled wonderful on the way home. When it came time to eating they were a little overdone, but still decent all the same. The rest of the food was really good and the opportunity to chat with other staff is always nice. Like before, after everyone got their plate and had time to quickly done it, a mad rush occurred to grab the leftovers. Dessert for most of the staff were cakes they had made, personalized for the person. Pictures of mine are posted below. My lovely cake. Can you guess what it is? This is how they do it in the north.
This is a picture we have wanted to post for a long time. On it, it describes the thickness of the ice
needed for the vehicles.

Blowing out the candles. In the background, is RJ, the Associate Director.
Awkward smile for an awkward cake.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

King of the Hill

Claire and I enjoyed our much needed weekend off. As she mentioned in the last blog, we finished report cards and interviews this week. On Saturday we had a meeting with Julia regarding the year end trip. A rough itinerary has been planned out, and the bottom line is: "It will be one crazy week!" We have planned to stop at all the usual places in Toronto: CN Tower, Science Centre, ROM, Canada's Wonderland, and yes, even a Blue Jays game (I swear I had nothing to do with the last selection). While we were pumping out the itinerary, Claire was on a computer finding estimates on tickets. And the estimate grand total is............................ (scroll down under the last picture to find out) To recuperate from our week, Claire and I went for a little Sunday drive. It was quite nice, although the many potholes created for a bumpy ride. In town, we saw a vehicle driving on the winter road. Unbelievable, considering the entrance onto the lake is water for the first couple metres. It was good old homeweek at the Northern, but then again, when isn't it. We also had the chance to stop by the 'other' store and pick up an ice cream and a milkshake. No Dairy Queen or Avondale, but everything has the ability to taste great up here. When we got back, we decided to play a little outside. The pictures below are from this. Taking a break from the hard work. Our backyard has about 4 feet of snow piled up. It was quite a workout to try and walk so I needed a break.
The snow that was shovelled off our roof. It all piled right in front of our back door.

Our humble abode, at least the back of it.

To get off the pile, I needed to jump into the snow. Well I guess I didn't NEED to jump, but the kid inside got the best of me. Sort of like all those cub camps, eh mom?

We have heard rumours of snow down south. To compare, we had a balmy plus 11 degrees this afternoon with a full, bright sun with no clouds. A true Sunday!


Friday, April 1, 2011

Grade 9 Culture Program

It has been a crazy long week. Last weekend was filled with planning and doing report cards. It feels like we have worked 2 weeks straight. On Wednesday afternoon and evening we had parent teacher interviews. They went pretty well. The rest of the week Greg and I felt like we were on auto pilot.
This week has been so warm. On Tuesday at 4pm it was +5. It has been so nice for it to be warm and light out. I really feel a more positive energy with the warmth and it staying light out longer. Here are some pictures from the last week.
One night this week we came home to find that our roof had been shovelled. The snow piled up so high right outside our back door. We can't even open our back door. Our apartment is the second from the right. I was going to walk around in the backyard to get a closer picture but when I tried and I stepped in the snow I was surprised to find the snow up to my waist. I could barely get my leg up out of the snow to step back. Needless to say I wasn't going to try and make the trek to our back door, so I took the this picture from the road running behind our house.

The following pictures are from the Grade 9 culture program today . We went out near the old Pow wow grounds. Here the students played broom ball and we roasted hotdogs and marshmallows. It took us about 20 minutes to drive to this spot. We went on the new road they are making to the Pow wow grounds (it is about a 2 hour boat ride in the summer). As we were driving I all of a sudden noticed we were going on the winter road (we had 3 vehicles, myself, Vicky and her husband were driving) I was not very thrilled about going on the road. It has been so warm this week and snow has been melting like crazy. On Wednesday I saw a notice on the TV that the winter road was not being maintained anymore and that you are to use it at your own risk.
As we were driving on the road I was praying as hard as I could. It was SO slushy and I could see big cracks in the ice and there was open water spots on either side of the road. The native teacher and her husband didn't seem worried but I was freaking and so were the students I was driving. Hope you enjoy the pictures of our fun Friday afternoon.
Three of the 5 grade 9 boys that went on the outing (2 of the boys were aways today).
The students finding a good spot on the ice to play broom ball. All the stuff in front of them is slush and water.
Deer Lake scenery
Broom ball! The girls in Deer Lake love playing broom ball. Conditions weren't great to play on the ice but they made the best of it.
Boys vs. Girls game!
Part of the new road at the old Pow wow ground.
One of the grade 9 girls!

Enjoying roasting marshmallows before we make our smores!