Sunday, September 25, 2011

Beach Day

The weather has been so lovely this weekend. Nice and warm. Definitely shorts and tee-shirt weather. So today Amanda and I decided it would be nice to take the dogs to the beach for a little play time. Greg was going to come but the time we choose to go was when the Bills were playing! Go Bills!!! Apparently it was a big win too... so I am sure he was glad he stayed home to watch it.

When we woke up this morning, there was BIG news all over the Facebook world. There was a fire in town last night. The old Mennonite church which has been abandoned for years burned down last night. This church had basically become a play place for the kids in Deer Lake and was causing a lot of problems for the Northern. So today Amanda and I wandered over to see the remains and I took a few pictures to share. The fire was extremely close to the Northern's propane tanks so we are very lucky that the fire didn't get to close to them. I have posted a few pictures below so that you can check out the fire and our adventure to the beach.

Check out how close the propane tanks are to the fire.
All that was left standing of the church is the stone chimney

Edgar and I enjoying the warmth of the day and the beauty of the lake
Amanda and Dexter enjoying the view also.
Edgar taking a break in the sand. He was so tired after chasing Dexter up and down the beach.
Amanda getting "the boys" to chase sticks into the water. That is about as deep as Edgar would go. One day he will like the water.
Dexter playing and running back to Amanda. He is basically in the air in this picture.
Edgar chasing Dexter on the beach. Dexter is really fast and Edgar is slow so it was really funny watching Edgar try and keep up. Dexter would stop and wait for Edgar to catch up and when he was just about there Dex would take off again.
Playing in the water with sticks!

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