Saturday, October 30, 2010


Well today we had Halloween! Because Halloween is on a Sunday this year, they decided to observe the occasion the day before. It is kind of refreshing and nice that they keep Sunday to be observed as a religious day.
Having Halloween here has definitely put Amanda, Greg and I into culture shock. First off, all the kids go out, and when I say all I mean ALL, even the babies. The adults even go trick or treating. So I don't think we will have enough candy. Greg, Amanda and I have come together to combine our candy, but I still think we will be short.
It is fun seeing the kids come dressed up in their costumes. We have had so many people already. The biggest culture shock to us is that the kids don't even knock when they trick or treat. You turn around and all of a sudden their are people in your house. While Greg goes to the door to give out candy, all Amanda and I can do is laugh, hysterically. It is just something we are not used to.
We have banned Amanda from handing out candy. She gives to much candy out! We wouldn't have enough candy for everyone. Although she probably is giving them what they want. Greg is giving them two candies each and they look at him and give him a look saying "that's it?"

It has been a very interesting experience, with a little culture shock! Well we better get back to handing out candy, and we are playing Wii Sports Resort!


  1. So how many did you end up having? Did you keep track like we do? When dad and I were kids and Halloween was on Sunday it was always switched to sat. Night too

  2. We probably had about 100-150 kids. We didn't keep track. To be honest we didn't even think about it. It would have been to hard to do it anyway with the kids just walking in and out of our house and they came in large packs. Call me soon!

  3. Wow, craziness! We hanhed out candy with our housemates downstairs last night, made pizza, drank wine and played some cut-throat cards games. We were told by many people in our area to be prepared for the insane amnount of kids we would see. It was not so insane, we will be eating candy candy for a while. But some people in our area went nuts. There was a LIVE BAND on a neighbors porch around the corner. Housemate Emily said next year "we're booking Beiber". Good heavens :)
