Sunday, November 11, 2012

More SNOW!

WOW! I can't believe it is already November 11. One month today, Sawyer, Edgar and I will be back in Niagara. We cannot wait. Although we are sad to leave Daddy behind in Deer Lake for 8 days :(. I am looking forward to going to stay at my parents house. I am sure it will be kind of weird living there again for 2 1/2 weeks (one week before Christmas and one 1/2 week after). I have not lived there obviously since I have been married. We are also very fortunate to be able to stay with Greg's family during the Christmas holidays when Greg is home. They have graciously given us a room at their house and allowed us to move our things in. They are currently our home base in Niagara.

We have had a lot of snow in Deer Lake this week. It has snowed non stop since yesterday. We currently have about 2 feet of snow. I have been told that Niagara had beautiful weather today. However, since it is before Christmas I am not really jealous. I expect snow right now. After Christmas, well, that may be a different story. Enjoy the pictures below of our adventures this week. 

 Greg thought it would be funny to put Sawyer in the pot we boil her bottles in. She took it like a champ and never complained at all.

 We decided we would take advantage of all the snow and go outside with Sawyer and "play" in it. Jon, kindly took a family picture of us. Edgar is "standing", that is how deep that snow drift is.

 Sawyer enjoying her first snow seat. My siblings and I would always go outside in the snow and jump in the drifts or piles and sit in the snow.

 Mommy and Daddy enjoying the snow with Sawyer.

 Sawyer then came inside for her "hot chocolate"... or hot formula.

This kid never stops moving. If you put her down on her back she always rolls over to her tummy. This afternoon I put her on the edge of this blanket (on the edge closest to me) and she moved herself backwards off the blanket and towards the coffee table. Greg thinks she is going to crawl soon, even if it is the army crawl. I think she may crawl early, although I like how I don't have to chase her right now.

I hope everyone has an excellent week.

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