Saturday, April 23, 2011

Wing in a Sling

Today, we were in town to help get ready for the annual Deer Lake Easter Egg Hunt (there will be more to follow on that, in another post). Almost as soon as we got to the house we were helping at one of the ladies asked us if we had ever seen a Bald Eagle. The only time Greg and I have ever seen a Bald Eagle was when we were in Nova Scotia, Greg's cousin Harrison pointed one's nest out to us and we could see it in the distance.

We quickly learned that this lady and her husband had been out by the dump and found an injured Bald Eagle. This Eagle had been shot in the wing and was just left for dead. Since they are on the endangered species list, they took the eagle home to help it, which was two days ago.

When I walked into their home I was expecting to see this bird in a cage, however I found him sitting on a perch in their living room. He was so still he looked almost fake, like he had been stuffed. It was amazing to see him just sit there and watch what was going on around him. The lady was even petting him. Enjoy the pictures below of one of God's most beautiful creatures!
Look at how huge these talons are. I couldn't believe it.
Eating a piece of fish
Feeding the bird. They have wrapped up his injury as you can see. They were sending him out on the afternoon flight to get him more help.

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