Tuesday, January 11, 2011

When 250+ is Cheaper than 15

We have started our first full week of school. Getting back into the swing of things. Amazing how routines pick up as if there was no time off. Days are going by quickly, as workloads are getting bigger. Some interesting news this week.

Last Thursday we went to the store with a local teacher and her grown daughter. On the way back, at around 6:00 pm, Claire noticed some lights in the sky. Claire asked if they were the Northern lights and the two passengers said yes. Claire and I were ecstatic, having seen nothing like them before. The two people in the back were surprised that we had never seen them before and told us to wait until they get better later this month or in February. Needless to say, Claire and I are in for a treat some time later this winter.

Another tidbit of information came yesterday morning. All the students go home or lunch as no one, which includes all staff, stays at school. Claire, Amanda, and I are the only ones left, save a couple others who decide to stay that day. Before lunch the principal came on the intercom and told us that there is a Wolf Alert for Deer Lake as a big black wolf was seen about 100m from school and looked hungry. Our students have told us, since we returned that they have seen wolves running through town. Interesting side note, Amanda told one student who typically walks that they needed to take the bus and he replied by pulling out a pocket knife saying, "Don't worry, I always come prepared." Must have been a boy scout in a previous life. His older brother in grade nine told Claire, "It wouldn't be the first wolf I've killed."

Other bit of news involves the satellite. We finally installed it over the weekend and have enjoyed its many channels. Good timing as the cable added 5 new channels (Discovery, Animal, Bravo and two others) but is raising their bills by $10. Meaning, our satellite bill will be $9 cheaper than cable. Weird to think that over 250 channels is almost $10 cheaper than just 15 channels. After the satellite was installed, I had to phone Shaw Direct and activate the receivers. A man, by the name of Stephen (french spelling/sounding) answered and walked me through the order and what not. Reading down my order he stopped at the movie package and noted that I had ordered the Women's Movie Package. He paused and asked if I had made a mistake and if I was aware of what type of movies the channel played.

A picture indicating the depth of the snow. I am installing a thermometer my parents got me for Christmas.
Snow is quite deep and yes they are indeed shorts. Since this picture, we have received another 4 inches or so of snow.

The back door of each of our places is covered with snow and icicles. Doesn't mean much for Claire and I, but Amanda takes Dexter outside everyday. Some of those icicles could kill.

Installing the satellite. The school let us borrow their drill and gave an extra battery. We started Saturday afternoon at 3:30 and by 3:37, the batteries had already run out.

Claire in proper winter attire standing behind our house.

Hard to tell here, but all we see outside is white. All the branches are covered with layers of snow. It looks really dark out too. Must be a bad camera.

My fine handy work. Thanks for the thermometer, works great!


  1. Wolves.... yikes!

    Haha. I can hear the conversation between the cable man and Claire... "Oh, so it's not the classic leading ladies; Grace Kelly, Ingrid Bergman etc...?"

  2. lol that is so funny. I did find out the other day that we have Turners Classic Movie channel. So I am looking forward to watching some good old classics.
