Saturday, January 8, 2011

More than teacher

If you (readers) would allow, I would like to post about something different from what our typical blogs have been about. Claire and I focus our writing about experiences we have living in Deer Lake and interactions we have with students or staff. Today I would like to write about something quite different, and definitely more important, Claire's successes.

As you readers have learned through our blogs and talking to either of us during our Christmas break, we have experienced many things. What some or many of you don't know is that Claire has emerged as a great teacher, friend, mentor and missionary. I laugh as I write this because I noticed on Thursday, that Claire has developed a teacher walk. Sounds strange, but it's true. She walks the halls of the school and aisles of the classroom with the confidence of a teacher, saying a friendly 'hello' to any who pass her way (even the students in grade six). The walk is quick, but not fast.

I want to say a little about each success (teacher, friend, mentor and missionary) and I'll start with teacher. Claire is prepared for each lesson, after having spent countless hours at school and home with resources and her laptop. She finds time to utilize all resources and cover a host of topics. She crafts her lessons to make them entertaining for the students. One key area is her bravery in the classroom. She has not been afraid to try new things and challenge the students. She single handily preps, instructs, and cleans up the grade 9 classroom from a variety of art projects. Another area in which she has emerged as a successful teacher has been her work with the students. Students are not afraid to approach Claire with questions/concerns, or offer opinions during class.

The second area of success has been as a friend. For anyone reading this, it will be of no surprise for me to say that Claire cares, and that is really and understatement. My family likes to bug Claire that she asks a lot of questions, but it is only because she cares. When Claire asks how your day was, she isn't being polite, rather she is sincere. She really cares about other people. This sincerity is on display everyday at school. At the beginning of the year, Claire would say to one particular girl, "Good Morning." The girl never replied. Before Christmas break the girl started opening up and now replies with a opening salutation. Another example that comes to mind (and there are plenty) involves her growing relationship with one of the grade 8 girls. With Claire as a teacher, this girl has matured and grown. Obviously the work isn't done, but Claire has already changed this girl's life. Amazing!

The third area is as a mentor. The secret in becoming a great teacher is in your ability to steal. Sounds wrong, but let me explain. Great teachers are able to pull and extract plans/ideas/resources from others teachers or any other source possible. While Claire does this, she has come up with great ideas for me and I am sure Amanda as well. The three of us often discuss ideas or bounce opinions off the other two.

The last area has been as a missionary. Many of our students come from broken or mixed homes. In grade nine, our of 17 students, roughly 5 come from a traditional home. Women commonly aren't not viewed as an equal. Claire is a strong Christian woman, and this has been evident. We accepted our positions in Deer Lake knowing this is where God wanted us. We believe that the people who have entered our lives, have been placed and prepared by God. With the female staff at work, Claire has quickly become friends with a handful. Claire has ministered to them through the way she carries herself and her daily interactions.

Claire asked me how she has helped me and I couldn't put my thumbs on any, not because there aren't any rather trying to pick the right ones. I have given it some thought any picked two key areas. One has been in Claire's courage to socialize or approach others. On Thursday, we went to the Northern and were waiting in line when Claire saw a group of grade nine boys, with one or two new faces. Claire, fearing nothing, went up to them and started a conversation. No matter the place, no matter the situation, Claire, thanks to her ability to care, will talk to anyone, and I mean anyone. A second area is her ability to play with the students. She is not afraid to make herself the butt of any joke, if it results in connecting with the students. Last night, Claire and I were sitting with roughly six grade 8 and 9s at bingo. She told them that we had seen the Northern lights and that they were amazing. The students were clearly surprised but it made no difference to Claire.

Thank you for your time. We are enjoying ourselves in Deer Lake and, as the above notes, are succeeding. Claire, due to her sincerity and love of others, has become more than just the grade 8/9 teacher.


  1. Greg, the ability to see growth in your wife (or spouse for that matter) is one thing, but it's nothing if you don't support and nurture that growth. It's wonderful to see a godly couple encouraging eachother and depending on eachother. May the rest of your time there be blessed and fruitful.

  2. Wow, I feel like I have just been privy to a really beautiful love letter from a great husband to a great wife. I pray that God keeps growing the both of you and blessing you in the risks you are taking. So proud of you guys. Claire, I read Gregs words with little surprise. Everyone you encounter is aware of your loving and caring ways. Love you both and keep up the amazing work.
