Sunday, April 3, 2011

King of the Hill

Claire and I enjoyed our much needed weekend off. As she mentioned in the last blog, we finished report cards and interviews this week. On Saturday we had a meeting with Julia regarding the year end trip. A rough itinerary has been planned out, and the bottom line is: "It will be one crazy week!" We have planned to stop at all the usual places in Toronto: CN Tower, Science Centre, ROM, Canada's Wonderland, and yes, even a Blue Jays game (I swear I had nothing to do with the last selection). While we were pumping out the itinerary, Claire was on a computer finding estimates on tickets. And the estimate grand total is............................ (scroll down under the last picture to find out) To recuperate from our week, Claire and I went for a little Sunday drive. It was quite nice, although the many potholes created for a bumpy ride. In town, we saw a vehicle driving on the winter road. Unbelievable, considering the entrance onto the lake is water for the first couple metres. It was good old homeweek at the Northern, but then again, when isn't it. We also had the chance to stop by the 'other' store and pick up an ice cream and a milkshake. No Dairy Queen or Avondale, but everything has the ability to taste great up here. When we got back, we decided to play a little outside. The pictures below are from this. Taking a break from the hard work. Our backyard has about 4 feet of snow piled up. It was quite a workout to try and walk so I needed a break.
The snow that was shovelled off our roof. It all piled right in front of our back door.

Our humble abode, at least the back of it.

To get off the pile, I needed to jump into the snow. Well I guess I didn't NEED to jump, but the kid inside got the best of me. Sort of like all those cub camps, eh mom?

We have heard rumours of snow down south. To compare, we had a balmy plus 11 degrees this afternoon with a full, bright sun with no clouds. A true Sunday!


1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness you two! Can you raise that much? And hey, not sure what you're thinking for accomadations, but ahve you thought about university dorms? During the summer they rent cheap, but like a hotel. Here is the website for Ryerson University housing services. Starts at about $55 a night per student. Just a thought. It would put them right downtown too.

    Miss you both and love reading about the all your adventures. Claire, I don't know if I could ahve driven over that winter road. I probably would have insisited on a life jacket!
