K4/K5 (Junior and Senior Kindergartern)
Gr. 1,2,3
Gr. 4,5,6
Gr. 7,8,9
The hunt was to begin at 2:00, but we all knew what that meant. People started showing up a little after 1, with the event not starting till after 2. The volunteers were spread throughout the sections with slingshots, defending the helpless candy from dogs. The weather was really nice outside, with Claire wearing only a windbreaker. It was a great afternoon and glad we could be a part of it (some more than others).
On Friday, two medical students arrived in Deer Lake and will be here for 1 month. They are connected with the Northern Ontario School of Medicine, and will do three placements in Northern Reserves to experience the Aboriginal traditions and learn under the nurses and doctors who are there. They are both around our age. Jordan is from a fly-in reserve in Northern Alberta and Sarah from Sudbury. I started talking to them, because of my interest in medicine and, well, whenever new people come in, it is just about the most exciting thing that week.
Jordan was the talker and had mentioned that they get to pick, or try to, their three reserves and the person they do it with. I picked up on this, and tried to dig deeper to find out if they were a couple. I learn from the best.
After the hunt, we came back and had a turkey dinner thanks to Amanda and Claire. It was Amanda's first turkey and suffice to say, "job well done." Blaine was over to eat as well, so we got to share some stories and hear about other things in Deer Lake. He has been here for three years, so he has seen a lot, both good and bad. With our vehicle still sidelined, Blaine offered to drive whenever we needed to go to the store. We found out that the wheel bearings need to be replaced and it will be at least two weeks for them to come in, and another two before it will be fixed. We are counting on it being sidelined for the rest of the year.
Today is our last day off of the long weekend. It will be nice to have a short week. The lake is thawing and little water spots are appearing. The community shuts down for two straight weekends when the lake opens. The first weekend in May is usually the first one, but it might be pushed back another. Regardless, there is only 8 weeks of school left, and 6 before we leave for our trip. Unbelievable!
Blaine holding Dexter.
The preschoolers during their hunt.
Three of our grade nine girls. (L to R: Chantelle, Miranda, Karian)
The Grade 4,5,6 during their hunt. The boy in the tree is Tanner, a great kid. There was a bag of chips really high, so he climbed between two trees to the highest he could before they would bend. The chips were still several feet higher. He then jumped up onto the tree with the bag, and while it was bending back toward to the ground he grabbed the chips. An amazing display of athleticism and the closest thing to James Bond I have ever seen. The best was his reaction later. I told him that that was remarkable. He shrugged as if to say, "I've done it before." Class.
At each section, the participants would gather in two lines. The girls in the front with the boys behind. Steve would sound the horn for the girls to start, with the boys waiting 5 seconds behind. I couldn't imagine being a girl and trying to get candy from the ground when the horn sounds and a herd of boys comes crashing in.
Those same three girls trying to gingerly get candy from the side.
The Grade 7,8,9 section. You can see those girls on the side.
While this was happening, a little girl, no more than 3 was running down the road to a vacant space, where an old church and cemetry stands. Steve, on his megaphone calls out, "someone's baby running to church."
The Adult section. Claire and Amanda got involved and participated. Blaine used Dexter as his excuse, while I used the camera as mine.
The girls off to a strong start. Steve on the right witht he megaphone. The section didn't start for about 10 metres and was amongst trees, bushes, and shrubs. There was only 2 or 3 natural entrances in, which all had snow on the ground. Amanda's shoe got stuck when she ran through one. She had to make a choice. Go forth and find as many bags as possible or waste the 5 second head start and risk being trampled by the men. She mad the wise choice and went on with the hunt. Steve, later picked up the shoe and tried selling it for $5 to us on-lookers.
The women returning with the fruits of their labour.
Onto the pre-natal section. Surprisingly there were seven pre-natals. Kind of ironic that they would be running around trying to grab chocolate, chips, and sugar filled candy. That wasn't the biggest ironic part of the day though. The candy/chocolate is donated by several committees and places. One that donates things, and a large portion too, is the Health Services. This is the same group that is designed to promote good health and organize things like walkathons and weight loss challenges. I think next week is Diabetes Awareness Week.
A group of grade 7 and 8 boys eating their find. Wouldn't imagine their bags staying full too long. I know mine never did.
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