This was our last traditional weekend in May. For those of you who don't know, Deer Lake has two back to back 4 day weekends in order to allow people to participate in traditional activities such as hunting and fishing. This weekend we got the opportunity to participate also.
Yesterday (Sunday) Greg went out fishing for about an hour and half and came home with 11 fish that were filleted and ready to cook. Jon also went fishing, so this was the catch between the two of them.
Today the same people came to pick us up and take the girls out (along with Greg). They were a little worried because the water was a little rough and they think the bumps are not good for pregnant people, so we just went slow (Don't worry mom, there was one life jacket in the boat and I sat on it- For some reason life jackets are not used here at all, you don't even see them for sale in the store). It was a lot of fun to go out and do something different.
We went to a fishing spot I had never been to before. It was amazing. Greg literally threw his line in the water and he had a fish within 30 seconds (no exaggeration). He then caught four more fish in 5 minutes. It was crazy. All in all we caught 6 fish (I caught one). Once we had our catch we motored on over to the nearby Traditional Powwow Grounds. This is were we had our shoreline meal. Another teacher, Maria, and her husband Johnny, were the couple who took us fishing and they graciously cooked up the meal for us too. Amanda came along also and travelled with Vicky and her husband Calvin. Johnny was a great tour guide telling us all sorts of historical information about Deer Lake. We also learned today that the Northern has only been in Deer Lake for about 10 years. All in all it was an awesome experience and we had a lot of fun. One down fall was the bugs. They were BRUTAL!! They are so little and pesky and there are SO many of them. Enjoy the pictures from our fishing excursion.
Where we cooked our lunch. Johnny was a great cook!
Looking out on the lake.
For the last two years Johnny has been adding a rock or two to these piles every time he passes them. When I first saw them it kind of looked like a Gateway.
Greg and ONE of his catches. He definitely would make his dad proud today with the way he fished.
Amanda enjoying herself in the other boat
Greg and his fish, plus one of mine! They were tasty to eat.
This is so awesome guys!!! Claire - you actually ate the fish? So glad you get to do things like this.