Thursday, February 17, 2011

All in a day's work

Well I had my evaluation today. It went really well. I woke up a little nervous but at the same time I had a calming sense come over me. Julia, had already told me that she wouldn't be in my room very long because she already knew what was going on in my classroom. Anyways she came in first period 9-950 and watched me teach and went through all my students work, my assessment records, my long range plans etc. While my students were in Native Language (I was on prep) we discussed what she thought of my program.

Good news, she liked it. She had many good things to say about my program and the things I am doing with my students. She even went as far to say at this time she does not have any suggestions to make. She mentioned that every other time she had a suggestion I immediately implemented it. Anyways I was pretty happy with the results.

On another note, this afternoon the grade 8 and 9's had the opportunity to go to the Nursing Station. We were given a tour and the students got to participate in some pretty cool activities. They were first shown the x-ray machine and how it works, they also got to look at some x-rays already taken of people in their community. They then went into another room and got to listen to their heart rates and was shown a defibrillator. They also shown how to do a suture and they then got to practice suturing on a dummy thing. The last activity they participated in was putting plaster casts on each other. It was a pretty cool thing for the students to be involved in.

While in the suturing room with my students I had a run in with one of my students. The students were asked not to touch anything, I had two students touching markers that belonged to the nurses. I told these students not to touch things and then took the marker. As I took the marker from the student another student grabbed the marker and then grabbed my wrist and squeezed it hard and preceded to tell me not to touch things.

I then took the student out and talked to him one on one about not touching things and not touching the teacher. He then said F*** that loudly and walked away from me. When we got back to school Greg immediately told Julia. Julia came down to my class took the student out of the class and told him he was suspended and didn't even want to hear his story.

1 comment:

  1. Yikes. Glad you were okay.

    That sounds like a super cool field trip! It's great for them to see careers as fun options. Especially since you were saying before that there is really no ambition in regards to goals and things. Maybe one or two kids will get into the medical field from what they've been inspired by today!

    Oh, and congrats on your evaluation!
