Saturday, August 28, 2010


Okay so I have managed to post a few pictures. Sorry that the timeline for them happening is backwards, but I am still getting used to this blog thing.

This is the school, it is really nice inside. Greg and I each have our own smartboard for the classroom and a science lab we are supposed to use. There is also a really nice computer lab.

This is one of the two rows of teacherages. The third door in is where Greg and I live(the one with the couch outside of it. It isn't there anymore though, I just checked!).

This is the front view of our house. The big window is the living room where we just got a brand new teal coloured couch and love seat. The small window is the kitchen. We also have a bedroom with a QUEEN sized bed. There is so much room, we are definitely not used to that. We also have a bathroom and our very own washer and dryer. We were also amazed to see that we had our own chest like freezer. I can definitely say I wasn't expecting that.

This is the view of the runway coming in on the plane. All we saw was trees and lakes and then suddenly there was this clearing. Our first sight of Deer Lake.

This is what we saw for most of the hour we were on the airplane. While we were flying over this our pilot was reading flyers and listening to his IPhone.

Sorry this picture is flipped the wrong way I guess I should have edited before I put it on my blog. Anyways this was Greg in the plane. I was sitting across the aisle from him and we were sitting right behind the captain.

The shadow of our plane as we were flying out of Winnipeg. We did not get much higher then this. So it was nice to see what was on the ground the whole time.

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