Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Sawyer at School!

For the last few weeks Sawyer and I have been going to school about once a week. I am taking and AQ course while I am on maternity leave. One of the requirements for this AQ is to do 10 hours of observation. I have been fortunate enough to be able to bring Sawyer to the school with me while I am doing these observations. She is such a good baby and is generally quite while we are there. Plus, the kids love her. She gets lots of attention. I have been doing my observations in a grade four class. Today, I took a few pictures of Sawyer in class. 

 Sawyer hanging out on the floor during the math lesson on measurement.

 Sawyer was really interested in how to convert metres into centimetres. Hopefully, she is like her Dad and is good with numbers.

 One of the students took a special interest in Sawyer today. When the students had library time he choose a special book to read to Sawyer. She was really interested in it. Sawyer loves reading books already (she likes the pictures).
 Class picture with the class. Quite a few students were out today because we recently had lice checks.

Sawyer getting lots of attention.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

More SNOW!

WOW! I can't believe it is already November 11. One month today, Sawyer, Edgar and I will be back in Niagara. We cannot wait. Although we are sad to leave Daddy behind in Deer Lake for 8 days :(. I am looking forward to going to stay at my parents house. I am sure it will be kind of weird living there again for 2 1/2 weeks (one week before Christmas and one 1/2 week after). I have not lived there obviously since I have been married. We are also very fortunate to be able to stay with Greg's family during the Christmas holidays when Greg is home. They have graciously given us a room at their house and allowed us to move our things in. They are currently our home base in Niagara.

We have had a lot of snow in Deer Lake this week. It has snowed non stop since yesterday. We currently have about 2 feet of snow. I have been told that Niagara had beautiful weather today. However, since it is before Christmas I am not really jealous. I expect snow right now. After Christmas, well, that may be a different story. Enjoy the pictures below of our adventures this week. 

 Greg thought it would be funny to put Sawyer in the pot we boil her bottles in. She took it like a champ and never complained at all.

 We decided we would take advantage of all the snow and go outside with Sawyer and "play" in it. Jon, kindly took a family picture of us. Edgar is "standing", that is how deep that snow drift is.

 Sawyer enjoying her first snow seat. My siblings and I would always go outside in the snow and jump in the drifts or piles and sit in the snow.

 Mommy and Daddy enjoying the snow with Sawyer.

 Sawyer then came inside for her "hot chocolate"... or hot formula.

This kid never stops moving. If you put her down on her back she always rolls over to her tummy. This afternoon I put her on the edge of this blanket (on the edge closest to me) and she moved herself backwards off the blanket and towards the coffee table. Greg thinks she is going to crawl soon, even if it is the army crawl. I think she may crawl early, although I like how I don't have to chase her right now.

I hope everyone has an excellent week.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Sorry these pictures are all out of order but when I loaded them they didn't load in the order I wanted them to. 

Well as you all know this week was Halloween. Everyone, including adults get into Halloween in Deer Lake. Unfortunately, someone died in Deer Lake earlier this week so school Halloween was postponed until this afternoon (regular trick or treating carried on as normal). Sawyer and I spent a good part of the day at the school, enjoying all the Halloween festivities.  This morning we had a cake auction. This is where people make a cake and it gets auctioned off. It is a great fundraiser, as the classes get to bid against each other and as you can imagine it gets quite loud. Today, they had about 15-20 cakes and racked in over $1000.00, on cakes alone. This afternoon their was the grade 8 haunted house and dance and they raised a few more hundred dollars. All in all it was a great fundraising day. 

Enjoy the pictures below. 
 Sawyer dressed up as a pirate. I really wanted to get Sawyer a costume this year (a really cute Strawberry from Old Navy) but Greg wasn't infavour of getting her a costume. So JOn and Jill got out Jill's costume from last year and we dressed her up. She is looking really cute in her adult sized clothing.

I made two cakes for the cake auction. One was a pull apart pumpkin cake and then a spider web cake. 

 Haunted House cake made by another staff member- this one went for $110.00

 Cake made by another staff member- this one went for $100.00

 Frankenstein Cake this one also went for $100.00

 Greg's frugal costume.... he was a Sugar Daddy (so not appropriate for down south)

Sawyer on the bus on the way to town. She looks so tiny in those big seats.