Last Saturday, the SRC, our student council that Amanda, Claire and I run, held a floor hockey tournament for the Grade 7-9 students. It was a success and all the students that came had fun. It turned out to be a long day, but was worthwhile. Afterwards, two students were going to go home via snowmobile. They couldn't get their machine work and so we tried everything. My first comment when I went outside was if their was any gas. The machine's owner said yes, of course. 15 minutes later, RJ came out and asked the first obvious question, "Is there any gas?' Again the student replied with yes. Several minutes went by and I then decided to make him check the gas situation. He stuck a stick down the tank and checked it, again replying that it was three-quarters full. Alrighty then. Finally about an hour after we started trying anything he phoned home and his mom came and picked up the two students. The next day, I asked him what the problem was and he sheepishly replied, "Ran out of gas."
On Friday night, we went to the school for Bingo. I helped Amanda run the evening while Claire tried out her new bingo dabbers. It was a good night, as Amanda and I had everything smoothly run, and Claire even managed to win a game. Must have been the christmas present.
As our year end trip draws closer, fundraising is picking up at the school. Bingos are now held every week and a fundraising lunch or food related thing is run on a weekly basis. Down south, it is not unheard of to hear schools have a fundraising lunch for the students. Be it pizza, subs or even hot dogs. Not up here. While pizza is somewhat popular, the school is getting ready for a rabbit lunch this week. Yes, you heard it right, rabbit. There is an advertisement on our school bulletin board from the coordinator, asking for teachers to donate any rabbits. Claire and I have discussed it, and are deciding to keep ours for ourselves. (I am only joking of course, about even having any rabbit).
Also, the grade 6s had their cultural program this week and did something new this year. They school had been given three geese and the grade 6s were the 'lucky' ones to pluck and cook the birds. Because this activity takes a while and the birds would need to cook, they started in the morning. And because it was too cold to do it outside, they did it in our Home-Ec room. This room is situated in the middle of the school at the intersection, meaning all day you had to walk by it to to go basically anywhere. As well, apparently the room is connected directly to the air venting system as the smell of goose guts and blood was carried to every room in the school. Yah, that's what you want to smell on a Friday morning at 10:00am, goose blood and guts mixed with hot air being pumped into your classroom.
Last bit of sad news, our head maintenance man suffered a major heart attack on Friday morning while still at home. He went to the Nursing Station and was waiting to be airlifted to a major health facility. After at least 6 hours, he was still waiting, just laying on a bed. For all of us from the outside, situations like this remind us of how secluded we are and to be safe.